Agate is a cloud-native, fast, scalable, and async API Gateway. its core values are high performance and extensibility.
Grape is a distributed delay job system based on Redis.
Stuart is an MQTT broker based on Eclipse Vert.x and Apache Ignite implementation.
vertx-web : building web service with annotation; vertx-starter : vertx starter project for spring boot;
Focus is the next generation cross language lightweight RPC framework. It can quickly and easily develop microservice applications, which greatly simplifies RPC programming.
JRPC is a lightweight Java RPC framework. It enables quick and easy development of RPC applications. It greatly simplifies RPC programming.
Photon is a message exchange framework.
Beanstalkc is a thread-safe client library of the beanstalkd, which is based on mina2 and support connection pool.
kafka assistant toolkit
Loghub is a log delegate.